Friday, 14 April 2017

ROM][MTK6582][HYPEROID OS] CM12.1 Fully Stable

CM 12.1 Based
Please Hit Thanks To Appreciate Me And Support My Work 

Hyperoid ROM has been based on Pure CM, this creates an awesome combination of performance, customization, power and the most new features, brought directly to your Device.
Special thanks to, CM team,RR team ,Temasek team, and of course to all the supporters (Maaadr, Adi Sukahadi, Venkat kamesh, Bamz Forever, GK, XDA&4PDA)

Video ROM Review By Paras Guglani
Paras YT Channel
Paras FB Group

Some of the provided features
all cyanogen apps up to date
Cyanogen Account, ThemeStore, ThemeChooser with per-app themeing
included stable GAPPS (update it manually)
ES File Manager Pro
Smart Wake
Smart Cover
Dolby Atoms [Optional]
Kernel Auditor
Root Explorer
JetAudio Plus
AOSP Keyboard
MX Player
NEW Calendar & Email BY BOXER
Activated ClearMotion, BRAVIA v4 and X-Reality Engine v4,
spelled trouble-free codecs to view FullHD streaming video
Floating Windows
Ambient Display
Statusbar Customizations
Clock Alignment
Battery Settings
Charging animations
Battery full customization (circle/landscape/Potrait and more)
Battery colours
Battery bar
Statusbar greeting
Network Traffic
Breathing Notifications
Quick Settings Management
DPI Settings
Live Display
Smart cover
smart wake
Lockscreen weather
Lockscreen colours
Middle and bottom shortcuts
Button Settings
Navigationbar customization
Slim PIE
Header Machine
cache auto cleaner
Dynamic Ststus Bar
freeze apps
navigation bar with switches
navigation bar Animations&Buttons
navigation bar Tinted
Gesture Anywhere
Navigation ring Targets
Animation Controls
Slim Recents
Omni Switch
Recents RAM Bar
HeadsUP Settings
Trebuchet 6.0.1
Remove Checking Signature Applications Completely
Autostart Apps
App circle sidebar
Apps sidebar
SuperUser Indicator Switch
Toast Animations
ListView Animations
System Animations
Expanded Desktop Mode
Add many Tiles
Enable 2/3/4 Tiles per Row
Fixed Youtube 720p
Fixed Green Lines In Facebook
Fixed VPN
Fixed Screen Record (software mode only)
Fixed live videos
Fixed Green Streamers in video and online TV
Bootanimation Oreo
many many waiting for you....

Note : There is no android is starting screen at first boot, so you will only get boot animation. Do not panic if you stay in boot animation for too long because if is optimizing apps without the screen ! If you flash gapps as well in first boot, Booting can take upto (10-15 mins)


(1) - Whenever You Share The Rom After Porting, Must Share The Original XDA.
(2) - Don't Make/Or Modify Information About Rom / Settings.apk
(3) - Everyone Is Allowed To Port The Rom, But Give Proper Credits As In XDA Thread.

Credits :
- Ahmed Nasser HK (Modder-Fixed all bugs)
- Tirth Patel (build From source)
- Bormental (Source Smart Wake)
- Kommandoz (Guide To Add Smart Wake)
- Gagan Agrawal (Porting for MMX Fire 2)
- Fire855
- Ferhung

Sunday, 9 April 2017

[MT6582] [KK] WEAKED OS For Micromax Fire 2

★Base: MT6582 KK 3.4.67 


-3 Minit Battery With Random Icons
-3 Minit Clock With Random Styles & Color
-App Circle Sidebar
-App OPS
-AD Blocker
-Autostart Option
-Battery Bar With Random Color
-Battery Calibration
-Blow To Unlock ( Supported On Air Sensor Devices )
-Carrier Label ( 2 Style )
-Carrier Logo ( Alan Walker Logo With Styles & Color )
-Clock Option ( Left, Center & Right ) 
-Contextual Header Images
-Charge Notify
-Cpu Float
-Dynamic System Bars ( DSB )
-Edge Bar With App Adding Option
-Font Chooser
-Font Sizer
-Float Navbar
-Gesture Anywhere
-Greeting Text With Edit Option
-Heads up Notification
-LCD Density
-Listview Animations
-Multiwindow Sidebar
-Music Equalizer
-Network Traffic
-Notification Drawer Style ( Color, Image Or Blur Image )
-Partition Info
-Performance Control CM Style
-Prop Modder
-Statusbar Icons Show Hide
-Screen Overlay Animations ( Edge S7, Poke ball etc ) 
-System App Remover
-Xtreme Booster
-Visualizer 8 Style Option
★9 Pages On Expand -
-LGX Music Panel With Visualizer
-Volume Sliders
-FB UI Profile With Contextual & Editor
-DCMS Styled Calendar
-Samsung Styled Settings
-Listview Apps
-Rounded Favorite App List
-Profile With Anime Logo
-N-Style Notification
-N System Icons
-Naruto No Recent
-L Style Rambar View
-Shake To Clean Ram 
-Red Themed DOLBY For Beast Sounds
-Android M 6.0 Platlogo
-Settings Theme Style ( Light, Dark & Transparent )
-Settings Icons & Texts Coloring
-Coalfield Panel Icons
-Naruto & Sasuke Fight On Low Battery Warning Animation
-Battery 100% Charge Notifier
-Framework Themed As MM With Switches & Spinners
-Slide Recent Panel
-Xposed Installer With Blur, Gravitybox



1. Go to Recovery on your Fire 2
2. Download WEAKED OS and copy to the root of your SD card (not in any folder)
3. Reboot to recovery >> factory reset >> wipe delvik art >> wipe cache >> wipe data
4. Go back and select Weaked OS zip
5. Then install it
6. Wait for installation to complete 
7. When the installation completes, reboot. 

First boot take 5-10 minute, so don't panic. if you have any questions or any error please tell us in the comments.



-Fuad Mahmud Abir
*Estahad Mridul
*Team Bisp
*Nasim Ni
*Afzal Hossain Alif
*Olaniyi Mudathir 

Saturday, 8 April 2017

[MT6582] Pixel Themed Rom For Micromax Fire 2

CM 13 for MT6582 is an aftermarket ROM based on Android M/CM13, This ROM has top of the line optimizations and awesome performance, One of the smoothest ROM I have compiled and used, not only does it come with performance, it comes with loads of awesome customization's and features.

What's Working :
Video recording in stock/snap camera is working with 1080P !
Audio in calls
SMS (Receive and Send both working)
RIL is now more stable
Dual SIM
Screen Recording
Both storages (SD and Internal) mounting in both Phone and PC
720P working in youtube

Bugs :


                                              Download:- ROM
                                       GApps:- Arm/6.0/Pico 

Credits :


Ajit Guraya 
Minh Quoc and Karim Gahgah 
Aniruddha Adhikary
Sergey Kochetkoff 

Team Roger That - Ajit Guraya, Diparth Shah, Pawan Diyal, Ashutosh Dubey, Waseem Maya, Ankit Bhatangar, Rohan Taneja, Vipul Jha, Pranav Reddy 
Temasek, Arter97

Friday, 7 April 2017

[PORT] CYANITE ULTRA V3.0 FOR MMX Canvas Fire 2 [MT6582][4.4.2]

Cyanite Ultra v3.0

Micromax Canvas Fire 2 {MT6582}


Hello there ! In this release, i changed the ROM name, because many users suggested me to do so. This Rom is made from Micromax Unite 2 Kitkat Firmware. As we all know that there is a test build of cyanogenmod available for us by wesely, Here I am presenting my Cyanogenmod11 Themed Rom. This will give perfect cyanogenmod feel in our device.
What's in this Rom?
CM Clock
CM Gallery
CM Camera
CM Browser
CM Sounds
CM Themes
DSP Manager
CM Calculator
CM Wallpapers
CM File Manager
CM Boot Animation
Apollo Music Player
CM Sound Recorder
Blotwares Removed

*No more battery drainage :D
*Highest Antutu Score ever for our device (Kitkat Rom) :cool:
*Cache and Dalvik are cleared automatically in proper periods :fingers-crossed:
*Reduces the system services for faster charging while charger connects :angel:
Best Battery + Best Performance ! (Both in one ROM)

Bug List [Fixed]
Live Wallpapers will not work. 
Can't sync contacts from Google.

Found any other bugs ?? Report in this thread.

Its made from stock Kitkat Rom. So chance for bugs are too low ! :)


After Installing
1. After the ROM booted goto "App Drawer-> Xposed Installer" & install "Xposed Framework".
2. Then open modules tab in Xposed Installer
3. Active all checkbox...Reboot.



What is "CM Themes" app?

It's HK Theme Manager Module. It is slightly modded by me.

How to use "CM Themes" app?

1. Go to Xposed Framework Installer & Modules

2. Enable CM Themes,
3. Reboot
4. Enter CM Themes app.

Which themes are supported in "CM Themes" app ?

Supported themes are added in Post #3
All Themes which use "xml/redirections.xml", will work, i.e, Themes upto CM10 will work in this theme manager.

Installed themes doesn't show in "CM Themes" app?

You have to use the refresh button.

Theme Manager | Theme Packages

1. Lolipop Theme (Already added in the rom)

2. Cobalt Blue Theme
Download Link -->  Link 1 Or Link 2

3. Cobalt Orange Theme
Download Link -->  Link 1 Or Link 2

4. Cyanogenmod 9 Theme

5. Windows 8 Theme
Download Link -->  Link 1 Or Link 2

6. Simplex Blue Theme

7. Alloy Blue Theme

8. Jelly BlueX Theme

  9. Gem Theme

10. Circle Theme

11. Mixerics Theme

12. Blue Envision Theme

13. Blue Fire Theme

14. HueBlueX Theme

15. SSD Blue Theme

Version 3.0
*Some UI fixes
*Rom name changed
*Rom size decreased
*New Boot Logo
*New Boot Animation
*Wallpaper issue fixed
*Internal Memory bug fixed
*Stock File Manager added
*Cross Breeder added
*Network Improvements
*V6 supercharger added
*Adrenaline Engine added
*Pure Graphic Engine added
*Improved Ram Management

Version 2.0
* Root Access fixed
* Superuser added
* Splash screen invert fixed
* 3G/G icons permenantly removed
* White network signal icons added
* Single zip package
* Rom size decreased
* Google Service bug fixed
* Hangouts bug fixed
* Theme Engine added
* Tinted Statusbar Module hided

Version 1.0
* Initial Release
* Some UI fixes
Removed Bloats
Smash It!
Wifi Direct
Opera Mini
Games Club
Google Drive
Burn the rope
Stock Music Player
Google Play Books
Google Play Games
Reverie Phonebook
Google Play Movies
Google Play Newsstand
DivtheDevil (For Stock Rom)
rovo89 (for Xposed framework)
C3C076 (for GravityBox module)
hdbk1986 (for HK Theme Manager)
MohammadAG (for Tinted Statusbar module)
Jeeko (for PureGraphics HD)
idcrisis (for CrossBreeder)
ImbaWind (for Adrenaline Engine)
zeppelinrox (for V6 Super Charger)

TWRP 3.1.1-0 Venom Green themed for A104 BY GAGAN-AGRAWAl --FULL BUGLESS

TWRP 3.1.1 Want to get notifications when we release new versions of TWRP? Install the TWRP app and select your device! DOW...