Saturday, 26 August 2017

[MT6582][3.4.67] C7 OS For MircoMax Fire 2

C 7 OS is the kitkat base Rom for Micro Max Fire 2. This ROM is themed in Android 6 Marshmallow all features are like Marshmallow base Rom. 

Features :-
-Status bar

- Dynamic Status Bar (White on White fixed)

- Network Traffic Option

- Carrier Label and Logo

Notification Panel

- FMD N Panel (Few changes)

- Parallax scroll


- List View Animations

Power menu

-Heads up
Lock screen
-Custom Lock screen background


-New Style Lock screen

- Nova Launcher

- Working Google Apps

- Rooted with King root

- Android O 8.0 Inspired Settings

- Good RAM Usage

- Smooth

- Android O Plat logo (Haters will say its fake :V )

- Material Theme ( Dark . Hex =#ff212121 )

-Coalfield icons applied in framework.

-Modified system apps interface to Dark Theme .

-Modified system apps stock icons.


Found and tell me about the bug I'll be fix as soon as possible.

Rom Information

Device: Micro-Max Fire 2

Android: 4.4.2

SDK V: 19

Kernel: 3.4.67

Chip set: Mediatek

Version: MT6582


                                         GD ROM:-C7 os




Piyush Kulkarni (Porting for unite 2)

Jai Dwivedi (for helping in bug fix)

Gagan Agrawal (Porting for fire 2 and fixing bug fix)

And all behind this awesome Rom

you all for testing my ported Rom 

Tuesday, 22 August 2017

NamelessR79 MTK6582 Kernel 3.4.67 Marshmallow

Image result for nameless

Nameless-Rom is a developer community project, which have been doing custom android roms for different mobile phones for some time now.

As well as your slogan, nameless is an opportunity for your device and for the user to enjoy the benefits of custom, clean and functional software.

------------------------------- characteristics ------------------------------

 very fluid
Version 3.0

--------------------------- changes 21/06/2017 --------------------------
 added gelo browser

 Patch May 1, 2017
 fixed 2/3 g switch
 fixed data after reboot

----------------------------- working --------------------------------

 live videos
 Camera (front 720 p), (Rear 1080 p)
Video Recoding
2/3G Switch
 Dual yes
 Mounted (external and internal)
 USB debugging
 Youtube 720 p

-------------------------------- bugs ------------------------------------
Radio FM


Rom: Nameless

Gapps: ARM-6.0-Pico

SuperSU: Here


--------------------------- credits ---------------------------------------

 Ivan Velazquez (built from source)
 nameless rom
 LINEAGEOS MTK (fix 2/3 g switch, data after)
Gagan Agrawal[Porting for MMX A104]

Monday, 21 August 2017

Octos R79 MTK6582 Kernel 3.4.67 Marshmallow

Team OctOs is an Android Open-Source Project utilizing Android 6.0.1 (AOSP) code base. Can’t wait to see what’s new?  Proceed to the changelog section.
Team OctOs was formed on a few core beliefs. The ROM had to be something we’d run, reliable, and customization by the user to the level of their desire.
Please see our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ), Supported Devices, the License under which we live by, our ChangeLog, and the Team OctOS team.
Disclaimer: OctOs is considered a “Work in Progress” project.  While we make every attempt to provide stable and reliable custom Android operating systems, we can not guarantee that everything will work as expected.
The development team is not responsible for any damage to your device or information

Team OctOs presents ROMs that meet  three critical conditions:

  1. It’s a ROM we want to run
  2. Stable and Reliable
  3. AOSP feel and User-Customization together in harmony
Releases appear when we are satisfied in their stability, and not before hand.  We live by the credo that Stability trumps ‘Bleeding Edge’ and not ‘New is everything’.
Team OctOS has bundled together a new Android 6.0.1 Custom ROM for all the mt6582 users to install on their devices.
If you are looking to update your mt6582 device to Android 6.0.1 and you are on mt6582 chipset device, then you should check the instructions listed in this post. This OctOS-MM 6.0.1 ROM is still work in progress, but it is pretty stable and you should at least try it in case you love to tinker with your phone’s OS.
Before starting the installation process of this new ROM you should check the guidelines below.

ChangeLog (Oct-M RELEASE build R79)

------------------------------ changes ------------------------------------

* Security Patch

* Fixed 2/3 g switch

* fixed data after reboot

--------------------------- characteristics ---------------------------------
* very stable
* good performance
* octos perzonalizacion

--------------------------------- that works --------------------------
* data 2/3 g switch
* Autorotation
* Dual yes
* Camera 1080 p
* Youtube 720 p
* Bluetooth
* good sound
* good gestionamiento of ram
* LED Notifications (for you blade l2 plus)

------------------------------ ADD BY ME ------------------------------------

*SD CARD defult
*ANDROID N Launcher 

------------------------------ Testing ------------------------------------

*  YOU All For testing My rom info me about bug if u found






Read Instructions Carefully!

Device Info

Device: Micromax

Chipset: MT6582

Kernel: 3.4.67

Android: 6.0.1


* Ivan Velazquez (Construo from source)

* fire855

* LINEAGEOS MTK (fix 2/3 g data data)

* Octos team


*Gagan Agrawal[Porting for MMX A104]

Note: The installation process of this new ROM is going to take a while. Also, the first boot process should take at least 10 minutes before it loads all the new files.
If you need any extra help completing this guide, then you should tell us in comments.
If installation fails, then the only thing that you need to do is to try and repeat the whole tutorial more than once.

TWRP 3.1.1-0 Venom Green themed for A104 BY GAGAN-AGRAWAl --FULL BUGLESS

TWRP 3.1.1 Want to get notifications when we release new versions of TWRP? Install the TWRP app and select your device! DOW...